About ROUT Foundation
The huge significance of the culture (environmental, cultural, & natural) in Rodopi Mountain National Park
The huge significance of the ecosystems in Rodopi Mountain-range National Park (RMNP) had as result the subsumption of larger or smaller areas, of the park, into various lists of protected sites setting them under the protection of international, national laws, regulations and directives.
In particular, 7 areas of RMNP have been integrated into the Natura 2000 network according to the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC and 2009/147/EC (2 Special Protection Areas – SPA and 5 Special Areas of Conservation – SAC), 2 areas have been declared as Preserved Natural Monuments, 7 areas as Wildlife Reserves, according to the Greek law, and 3 regions have been characterized by the European Council as Biogenetic Stocks. Outside RMNP but in the jurisdiction of the Management Unit of Nestos-Vistonis & Rodopi National Parks (the Management Unit is under the management of the Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency – NECCA), there are also 3 SACs, 2 SPAs και 3 Wildlife Reserves (whole or in part, and only in the Prefecture of Drama).